As Winter Approaches...
....many lakeshore property owners will begin to remove docks, lifts, swim rafts, and other water-related equipment that have been sitting in the lake all summer. As this occurs, we (MN DNR Ecological and Water Resources, Sauk Rapids, MN) would like to ask for your lake association’s assistance in inspecting your equipment and looking out for attached zebra mussels, faucet snails, and other aquatic invasive species.
We recommend paying close attention to areas of equipment that have been submerged in water for extended periods of time such as wheels, posts, support bars, and anchors.
If you suspect that you have found a new infestation of zebra mussels, faucet snails or other aquatic invasive species, please follow these steps:
1. Note the exact location where the specimen was found
2. Take a picture and collect the specimen in question
3. Report it to your Invasive Species Specialist (Christine Jurek: 320-223-7847)
Information on how to legally transport docks, lifts, and water-related equipment, and what to consider when hiring businesses to do this work for you is on the DNR website at:
We recommend paying close attention to areas of equipment that have been submerged in water for extended periods of time such as wheels, posts, support bars, and anchors.
If you suspect that you have found a new infestation of zebra mussels, faucet snails or other aquatic invasive species, please follow these steps:
1. Note the exact location where the specimen was found
2. Take a picture and collect the specimen in question
3. Report it to your Invasive Species Specialist (Christine Jurek: 320-223-7847)
Information on how to legally transport docks, lifts, and water-related equipment, and what to consider when hiring businesses to do this work for you is on the DNR website at: