Green Lake Improvement District (GLID)

"Green Lake is a jewel in nature’s crown. Like all valuables, our lake needs to be protected.
Who could care more for our lakes than the people who love them and live on them? That someone is you!"
- reference Dr. Seuss and with permission from our Gull Lake partners.
Lake Location Description Latitude 45.573390 Longitude -93.43982
Green Lake is located in the west‐central area of Minnesota's Isanti County and lies within Wyanett Township. Green Lake is an oval lake totaling almost 833 acres. The shoreline extends 4.4 miles with 205 Lake Property Owners. It is a shallow lake with forty‐three percent of the total acreage fifteen feet or less in depth. The maximum depth of the lake is twenty‐eight feet. 5 inlets, 1 outlet. Green Lake’s water comes from rainfall and watershed creeks/streams that flow into our basin. Green Lake Picture << click hotlink
Here is information relating to Green Lake specifically that applies to most all lakeshore property owners.
GREEN LAKE OWNER'S GOALS : Preserving Protecting Participating
Green Lake Arial Map showing surrounding Watershed
Website Navigation: Click on the SECTION HEADERS above to view respective Information, then scroll.
This Site is a repository of fact-filled GLID reference material to help Inform, Interest, Invite, Input, Involve, and Invest.
Scroll DOWN THIS page for most all general-at-a-glance-good-to-know info>>>
Note: There is A LOT of important info ,,, some with hotlinks included to get to more details.
GLID webmaster is Gordon Haubenschild.
GLID has Facebook posts too. Add " Green Lake Improvement District, Isanti County, MN” to your FB favorites!
GLID Official Mail address: Barbara Prince, GLID Treasure @ 33193 Peridat St NW, Princeton, MN 55371
Glimpse of Green Lake High Interest Areas: (click on hotlinks for more info):
2024 SWCD's Response to Green Lake's Blue-Green Algae Problems hotlink
2024 Green Lake Water Quality Monitoring Report (hotlink) using Volunteers that collected Total Phosphorus (TP), Chlorophyll-a, and transparency information every two weeks from late May through early October in Green Lake. SWCD staff provided training/equipment, coordinated lab testing and collected temperature and dissolved oxygen profiles. 2024 RATING: D compared to 2023's Rating of B
SWCD analysis : "It is interesting that the numbers were quite low for a majority of the season. It was that late summer/early fall dry and warm spell that seemed to cook up crazy amounts of algae. I try to not to put my hypothesis into the reports, but I would say the heavy early summer rains coupled with lake mixing in the fall and the warm weather caused the issues. It was a “perfect storm”
> Green Lake Owner Meeting Invites:
Future Save the Dates:
Saturday, May 17, 2025 @ 9am at Wyanett Township Hall for GLID Board preparation meeting discussing DNR permits, weed control contracts, grants SWCD, lake restorations, 2025 & 2026 budgets, progress, issues, and more.
Saturday June 28, 2025 : Green Lake Improvement District (GLID) Owners Annual meeting at @ 9am at Wyanett Township Hall.
Respectfully submitted by GLID Secretary Jan Gerke GLID BOARD PICTURE HOTLINK Meet your current GLID Board. Volunteers are welcome to serve
Executive Summary:
1 – Meeting attended by 62 lake owners HOTLINK
2 - 2025 Budget approved HOTLINK
3 - GLID payment of DNR permit fees for 2024 and will continue into 2025 and beyond APPROVED 2025 GLID BUDGET
4 - Many topics discussed, lake owners’ questions answered or contacts provided for further discussion, lake owners satisfied with GLID actions✔️ HOTLINK
MAY 4, 2024 : GLID Board planning meeting DONE : 9am-10:30am WHERE: Wyanett Town Hall
NOTE: Past Annual Green Lake Meetings Minutes are under the Meeting & Documents Section for reference
SPRING 2024 GLID e-Mail Newsletter :
Topic hotlink: 2024 Green Lake Owners e-Newsletter with Info, Invites, and Funding for Shoreline Restoration and Rain Garden!
THINKING ahead for PLANS to PROTECT your shoreline and hillside from EROSION
Is your lakeshore washing away or would you like help restoring it?
Green Lake Improvement District and Isanti Soil and Water has funding available to help Green Lake property owners having erosion concerns helping with shoreline restorations and/or construct rain gardens!
Call SWCD to get started with Todd Kulaf Office: 763-689-3271 Cell: 715-370-3838
Email: [email protected] 763-689-3271.
2023 SWCD's Green Lake Watergarden Promotion with 75 Percent Funding!
> Protecting / Restoring Shoreline Info hotlink here!
Did you know The ‘lawn to lake’ shoreline allows 7 to 9 times more phosphorus to enter the lake than a more natural native vegetated just15 feet of buffered shoreline. This ‘lawn to lake’ high maintenance type of lawn is harmful to our lakes by allowing rain water runoff to carry nutrients into the lake leading to algae blooms and water clarity issues. (reference Minnesota Lakes and Rivers along with Isanti SWCD) NOTE: GREEN LAKE IS ON THE IMPAIRED-LAKE LIST DUE TO HIGH PHOSPHORUS LEVELS!
QUICK READ>>> 10 Tips to Lake Stewardship
CLICK here to go GLID's Shoreline Restoration page>>>>
Other Interest Areas:
LATEST UPDATE ON GREEN LAKE'S IMPROVEMENT PROGRESS from Isanti's SWCD's 319 Grant Summary for 2021-2022
Its an excellent summary put together by Tiffany/Lydia and Team that beckons your review.
Hotlink is
More info on 'GREEN LAKE with SWCD EARNS MPCA GRANT TO IMPROVE LAKE' in section below>>>
Read the GREEN LAKE WEED MANAGEMENT section below for more info>>>>
NEW: Local SERVICES section added to this website under MORE,,,:
Some Green Lake Owners need STORAGE and BOAT Maint SERVICES. Here are a couple of options <<<Click HOTLINK
HISTORICAL NEW GOOD NEWS!!! >>>Summary of 2023 Green Lake Water Quality Report- Compared to all previous years monitored, Green Lake's health improved! RATED B+
>All Green Lake parameters monitored in 2023 met standards set for deep lakes!
Who could care more for our lakes than the people who love them and live on them? That someone is you!"
- reference Dr. Seuss and with permission from our Gull Lake partners.
Lake Location Description Latitude 45.573390 Longitude -93.43982
Green Lake is located in the west‐central area of Minnesota's Isanti County and lies within Wyanett Township. Green Lake is an oval lake totaling almost 833 acres. The shoreline extends 4.4 miles with 205 Lake Property Owners. It is a shallow lake with forty‐three percent of the total acreage fifteen feet or less in depth. The maximum depth of the lake is twenty‐eight feet. 5 inlets, 1 outlet. Green Lake’s water comes from rainfall and watershed creeks/streams that flow into our basin. Green Lake Picture << click hotlink
Here is information relating to Green Lake specifically that applies to most all lakeshore property owners.
GREEN LAKE OWNER'S GOALS : Preserving Protecting Participating
Green Lake Arial Map showing surrounding Watershed
Website Navigation: Click on the SECTION HEADERS above to view respective Information, then scroll.
This Site is a repository of fact-filled GLID reference material to help Inform, Interest, Invite, Input, Involve, and Invest.
Scroll DOWN THIS page for most all general-at-a-glance-good-to-know info>>>
Note: There is A LOT of important info ,,, some with hotlinks included to get to more details.
GLID webmaster is Gordon Haubenschild.
GLID has Facebook posts too. Add " Green Lake Improvement District, Isanti County, MN” to your FB favorites!
GLID Official Mail address: Barbara Prince, GLID Treasure @ 33193 Peridat St NW, Princeton, MN 55371
Glimpse of Green Lake High Interest Areas: (click on hotlinks for more info):
2024 SWCD's Response to Green Lake's Blue-Green Algae Problems hotlink
2024 Green Lake Water Quality Monitoring Report (hotlink) using Volunteers that collected Total Phosphorus (TP), Chlorophyll-a, and transparency information every two weeks from late May through early October in Green Lake. SWCD staff provided training/equipment, coordinated lab testing and collected temperature and dissolved oxygen profiles. 2024 RATING: D compared to 2023's Rating of B
SWCD analysis : "It is interesting that the numbers were quite low for a majority of the season. It was that late summer/early fall dry and warm spell that seemed to cook up crazy amounts of algae. I try to not to put my hypothesis into the reports, but I would say the heavy early summer rains coupled with lake mixing in the fall and the warm weather caused the issues. It was a “perfect storm”
> Green Lake Owner Meeting Invites:
Future Save the Dates:
Saturday, May 17, 2025 @ 9am at Wyanett Township Hall for GLID Board preparation meeting discussing DNR permits, weed control contracts, grants SWCD, lake restorations, 2025 & 2026 budgets, progress, issues, and more.
Saturday June 28, 2025 : Green Lake Improvement District (GLID) Owners Annual meeting at @ 9am at Wyanett Township Hall.
Respectfully submitted by GLID Secretary Jan Gerke GLID BOARD PICTURE HOTLINK Meet your current GLID Board. Volunteers are welcome to serve
Executive Summary:
1 – Meeting attended by 62 lake owners HOTLINK
2 - 2025 Budget approved HOTLINK
3 - GLID payment of DNR permit fees for 2024 and will continue into 2025 and beyond APPROVED 2025 GLID BUDGET
4 - Many topics discussed, lake owners’ questions answered or contacts provided for further discussion, lake owners satisfied with GLID actions✔️ HOTLINK
MAY 4, 2024 : GLID Board planning meeting DONE : 9am-10:30am WHERE: Wyanett Town Hall
NOTE: Past Annual Green Lake Meetings Minutes are under the Meeting & Documents Section for reference
SPRING 2024 GLID e-Mail Newsletter :
Topic hotlink: 2024 Green Lake Owners e-Newsletter with Info, Invites, and Funding for Shoreline Restoration and Rain Garden!
THINKING ahead for PLANS to PROTECT your shoreline and hillside from EROSION
Is your lakeshore washing away or would you like help restoring it?
Green Lake Improvement District and Isanti Soil and Water has funding available to help Green Lake property owners having erosion concerns helping with shoreline restorations and/or construct rain gardens!
Call SWCD to get started with Todd Kulaf Office: 763-689-3271 Cell: 715-370-3838
Email: [email protected] 763-689-3271.
2023 SWCD's Green Lake Watergarden Promotion with 75 Percent Funding!
> Protecting / Restoring Shoreline Info hotlink here!
Did you know The ‘lawn to lake’ shoreline allows 7 to 9 times more phosphorus to enter the lake than a more natural native vegetated just15 feet of buffered shoreline. This ‘lawn to lake’ high maintenance type of lawn is harmful to our lakes by allowing rain water runoff to carry nutrients into the lake leading to algae blooms and water clarity issues. (reference Minnesota Lakes and Rivers along with Isanti SWCD) NOTE: GREEN LAKE IS ON THE IMPAIRED-LAKE LIST DUE TO HIGH PHOSPHORUS LEVELS!
QUICK READ>>> 10 Tips to Lake Stewardship
CLICK here to go GLID's Shoreline Restoration page>>>>
Other Interest Areas:
LATEST UPDATE ON GREEN LAKE'S IMPROVEMENT PROGRESS from Isanti's SWCD's 319 Grant Summary for 2021-2022
Its an excellent summary put together by Tiffany/Lydia and Team that beckons your review.
Hotlink is
More info on 'GREEN LAKE with SWCD EARNS MPCA GRANT TO IMPROVE LAKE' in section below>>>
Read the GREEN LAKE WEED MANAGEMENT section below for more info>>>>
NEW: Local SERVICES section added to this website under MORE,,,:
Some Green Lake Owners need STORAGE and BOAT Maint SERVICES. Here are a couple of options <<<Click HOTLINK
HISTORICAL NEW GOOD NEWS!!! >>>Summary of 2023 Green Lake Water Quality Report- Compared to all previous years monitored, Green Lake's health improved! RATED B+
>All Green Lake parameters monitored in 2023 met standards set for deep lakes!
> Green Lake “What-Why-When-How” Newsletter Info mailing filled with Facts and Actions:
> Info on SEPTIC SYSTEM maintenance Leaky septic systems can be a significant source of phosphorus and coliform to the lake
> Info on SEPTIC SYSTEM maintenance Leaky septic systems can be a significant source of phosphorus and coliform to the lake
Green Lake Weed Management:
We must realize native weeds have a important place in our Green Lake. Weeds provide fish habitat. Weeds also help reduce wave height/strength hence shoreline erosion damage from our sometimes crazy winds and large boat wakes. And can't ignore the stirred up lake sediment containing nutrients that feed the weeds!
Weed management and lake water quality is a delicate balance. Our Green Lake has plenty of weeds!
Weed management requires knowledge, time, patience and money. There is no magic bullet that will eliminate excess weeds without continued effort and without side affects.... A lake, after all, is not a swimming pool but a dynamic, complex system and expectations should be realistic.
--- reference Aquatic Weeds: Nuisance and Necessity Cayuga Lake Watershed Network 2009 Study hotlink
GLID Treated 50.5 Acres of CLP Congested Areas hotlink
(MPARS Permit 2018-1015 - Green, Isanti, CLP, pesticide Issued - Isanti County). This treatment action needs to be done to try to manage the most congested lake areas. AIS best management practices tries to reduce the stubborn CLP turion bank . Treatment of congested weed areas also may improve boating enjoyment.
2024 Green Lake AIS Curly Pond Leaf Control Treatment Areas- COMPLETED
2024 CLP Treatment Report
2024 DNR Permit
2024 CLP Treatment Invoice
Green Lake was recently issued permission to use CPL invasive species herbicide Diquate 1.5 gallons/acre for 50.5 acres. What does this mean? Diquate is far more effective and cost much less than treatments we've been allowed to use in the past. It's able to kill the Curly Pond Leaf, Eurasian Watermilfoil,, and other weed infestations for a 3 for 1 effect with less chemicals going in to the lake.
GLID is using AIS treatment Best Practices to retreat same areas to reduce the CPL Turion bank buildup. Could take more than 5 years to combat root regrowth! 2023 note: DNR approved GLID's same best practices AIS treatment.
For detail CLP study, click here> Evaluation of lake wide, early season herbicide treatments for controlling invasive curlyleaf pondweed (Potamogeton crispus) in Minnesota lakes net net: "Although CLP eradication may not be feasible, our results indicated that herbicide treatments can effectively reduce severe infestations of curlyleaf" Use with permission from James Johnson.
Green Lake AIS CLP 2024 Weed Treatment Report from Lake Restoration in Prep for 2025
Question from Lake Owners; Why doesn't GLID treat in front of my property>
Answer::: With limited approved acres, GLID/DNR treats areas of highest density per AIS survey... not all areas of lake are treated. However, every year, AIS weed congestion analysis is done and decisions made for best ROI following recommended best practices.
It is a delicate balance to reduce AIS infestations for lake enjoyment of swimming, boating, fishing.
Green Lake is prohibited from touching the native protected Coontail weed infestations.
DNR Invasive Aquatic Plant Management (IAPM)
Green Lake CLP treatment
We must realize native weeds have a important place in our Green Lake. Weeds provide fish habitat. Weeds also help reduce wave height/strength hence shoreline erosion damage from our sometimes crazy winds and large boat wakes. And can't ignore the stirred up lake sediment containing nutrients that feed the weeds!
Weed management and lake water quality is a delicate balance. Our Green Lake has plenty of weeds!
Weed management requires knowledge, time, patience and money. There is no magic bullet that will eliminate excess weeds without continued effort and without side affects.... A lake, after all, is not a swimming pool but a dynamic, complex system and expectations should be realistic.
--- reference Aquatic Weeds: Nuisance and Necessity Cayuga Lake Watershed Network 2009 Study hotlink
GLID Treated 50.5 Acres of CLP Congested Areas hotlink
(MPARS Permit 2018-1015 - Green, Isanti, CLP, pesticide Issued - Isanti County). This treatment action needs to be done to try to manage the most congested lake areas. AIS best management practices tries to reduce the stubborn CLP turion bank . Treatment of congested weed areas also may improve boating enjoyment.
2024 Green Lake AIS Curly Pond Leaf Control Treatment Areas- COMPLETED
2024 CLP Treatment Report
2024 DNR Permit
2024 CLP Treatment Invoice
Green Lake was recently issued permission to use CPL invasive species herbicide Diquate 1.5 gallons/acre for 50.5 acres. What does this mean? Diquate is far more effective and cost much less than treatments we've been allowed to use in the past. It's able to kill the Curly Pond Leaf, Eurasian Watermilfoil,, and other weed infestations for a 3 for 1 effect with less chemicals going in to the lake.
GLID is using AIS treatment Best Practices to retreat same areas to reduce the CPL Turion bank buildup. Could take more than 5 years to combat root regrowth! 2023 note: DNR approved GLID's same best practices AIS treatment.
For detail CLP study, click here> Evaluation of lake wide, early season herbicide treatments for controlling invasive curlyleaf pondweed (Potamogeton crispus) in Minnesota lakes net net: "Although CLP eradication may not be feasible, our results indicated that herbicide treatments can effectively reduce severe infestations of curlyleaf" Use with permission from James Johnson.
Green Lake AIS CLP 2024 Weed Treatment Report from Lake Restoration in Prep for 2025
Question from Lake Owners; Why doesn't GLID treat in front of my property>
Answer::: With limited approved acres, GLID/DNR treats areas of highest density per AIS survey... not all areas of lake are treated. However, every year, AIS weed congestion analysis is done and decisions made for best ROI following recommended best practices.
It is a delicate balance to reduce AIS infestations for lake enjoyment of swimming, boating, fishing.
Green Lake is prohibited from touching the native protected Coontail weed infestations.
DNR Invasive Aquatic Plant Management (IAPM)
Green Lake CLP treatment
Weed Control Around Your Docks
Green Lake home owners can help reduce nutrient loading in the lake by removing weeds from the lake.
Also, using lake shoreline best management practices reduces nutrient runoff into the lake.
Net net: If you are a lakeshore property owner who wants to maintain a swimming or boat-docking area, you may cut or pull submerged vegetation without a DNR permit under certain conditions:
• First, the area to be cleared must be no larger than 2,500 square feet.
• Second, the cleared area must not extend more than 50 feet along the shoreline
CLICK HERE FOR COMPLETE DNR Weed Control details :
Removing weeds from your lake is always the best option to reduce nutrient budget loading that causes more weeds to grow.
NOTE>>> Green Lake has a FREE COMPOST PILE (WEEDS ONLY PLEASE) area by Wyanett Township Maint Building at 34591 NACRE Street NW
Removing or killing AIS weeds from lake reduces nutrients that produce weed and algae growth!
Companies and Local Helper that are available to help with weeds and muck around your dock.
OR learn to DIY chemical treatment approach with DNR Permits.
Scuba Weed Control, with expertise and equipment to remove your lakeweed (pulled out by the root) without chemicals,
Connor Piche 612-968-8764
Think about signing up your dock area for herbicide weed management with The Lake Restoration Company or Others
Lake Restoration Contact Info: 12425 Ironwood Circle Rogers, MN 55374 763-428-9777
Some lake owners are using an ECO Weed Harvester (not a cutter) that pulls weeds up by the roots to be collected in a bin, unloaded into a trailer, and hauled into the Wyanett Township/GLID FREE weed compost pile located by Grader shed.
THE MORE YOU KNOW:> One year, 8 tons of weeds were harvested, removing almost 160 pounds equivalent of Nitrogen, Phosphorus, Potassium.!
Research and Stearns Laboratory testing showed for that one ton of Green Lake weeds contain 9.36 lbs of Nitrogen(N) .
4.7lbs Phosphorus (P). and 5.63lbs of Potassium (K) fertilizer for lake weeds!! The more Lake owners remove weeds from lake, less nutrients remain to grow more weeds.
1 pound of Phosphorus can produce 500 pounds of algae in one year!!!!
Also, using lake shoreline best management practices reduces nutrient runoff into the lake.
Net net: If you are a lakeshore property owner who wants to maintain a swimming or boat-docking area, you may cut or pull submerged vegetation without a DNR permit under certain conditions:
• First, the area to be cleared must be no larger than 2,500 square feet.
• Second, the cleared area must not extend more than 50 feet along the shoreline
CLICK HERE FOR COMPLETE DNR Weed Control details :
Removing weeds from your lake is always the best option to reduce nutrient budget loading that causes more weeds to grow.
NOTE>>> Green Lake has a FREE COMPOST PILE (WEEDS ONLY PLEASE) area by Wyanett Township Maint Building at 34591 NACRE Street NW
Removing or killing AIS weeds from lake reduces nutrients that produce weed and algae growth!
Companies and Local Helper that are available to help with weeds and muck around your dock.
OR learn to DIY chemical treatment approach with DNR Permits.
Scuba Weed Control, with expertise and equipment to remove your lakeweed (pulled out by the root) without chemicals,
Connor Piche 612-968-8764
Think about signing up your dock area for herbicide weed management with The Lake Restoration Company or Others
Lake Restoration Contact Info: 12425 Ironwood Circle Rogers, MN 55374 763-428-9777
Some lake owners are using an ECO Weed Harvester (not a cutter) that pulls weeds up by the roots to be collected in a bin, unloaded into a trailer, and hauled into the Wyanett Township/GLID FREE weed compost pile located by Grader shed.
THE MORE YOU KNOW:> One year, 8 tons of weeds were harvested, removing almost 160 pounds equivalent of Nitrogen, Phosphorus, Potassium.!
Research and Stearns Laboratory testing showed for that one ton of Green Lake weeds contain 9.36 lbs of Nitrogen(N) .
4.7lbs Phosphorus (P). and 5.63lbs of Potassium (K) fertilizer for lake weeds!! The more Lake owners remove weeds from lake, less nutrients remain to grow more weeds.
1 pound of Phosphorus can produce 500 pounds of algae in one year!!!!
Please Help STOP AIS weeds from coming into Green Lake via boats.
Minnesota Pollution Control Agency with Isanti County SWCD Secured Green Lake Section 319 Small Watersheds Focus Program Nine Element Plan Grant Learn more about our SWCD partner hotlink
2023 Summary Hotlink of Green Lake Section 319 Watershed Program prepared by SWCD
• The Green Lake Section 319 Small Watershed Focus Program Nine Element (NKE) Plan was developed by compiling and synthesizing information from previous studies and planning documents conducted in the watershed. Green Lake Studies and Reports - From MPCA and EPA, This plan is federally approved. The work plan leverages the $284,000 Grant
• Addresses water quality, mercury content, AIS, TP Loading, and nutrient Reduction in Watershed areas.
Goal is getting Green Lake off MN Impaired Lake list in 10 years. by reducing TP loading by 2,142 lbs/year every year.
"Green Lake is still considered impaired since TP and chlorophyll-a do concentrations do not currently meet State standards.
TP concentrations for Green Lake have averaged 61 µg/L over the most recent 10-year period, which is above the 40 µg/L standard for deep lakes in the North Central Hardwood Forest (NCHF) Ecoregion. Planktonic algae, which is measured by chlorophyll-a (chl-a), has averaged 25 µg/L which is above the 14 µg/L standard for deep lakes. Secchi depth, a measure of water clarity, is relatively good in Green Lake and has met the 1.4-meter Secchi depth standard in five of the seven years measured since 2009. Although Secchi depth has generally met State water quality standards over the past 10 years." reference Green Lake Diagnostics Study
2020 Sector 319 Grant Green Lake Initial Work Plan Only.pdf GLID-SWCD MOU Green Lake Restoration Program
NEW GOOD NEWS!!! >>>Summary of 2023 Green Lake Water Quality Report- Compared to all previous years monitored, Green Lake's health improved!
>All Green Lake parameters monitored in 2023 met standards set for deep lakes!
Exec Summary>> 2023 Good News:
> All Green Lake parameters monitored in 2023 met standards set for deep lakes!
MN Clean Water Goals for Deep Lakes vs Our Measurements :
Total Phosphorus (TP):≤40ug/L vs Our Green Lake: 28ug/L(TP) - a win!
Chlorophyll‐a:≤14mg/L vs Our Green Lake: 12mg/L(Chl‐a) - a win!
Secchi Depth:≥4.59feet vs Our Green Lake: 5.35ft - Another year's win!
> Compared to all previous years monitored, Green Lake's health improved in 2023!
Using Metropolitan Council lake grading system, which creates an easy to understand way to communicate lake health, our Green Lake scored a beautiful "B" in 2023...
compared to 2022's "C", 2018's "B", 2017's "D" grades.
Green Lake Volunteers, Pam with Corey Mortenson family along with Marissa & Alex Dahlin helped David Dancik collect water samples for lab analysis and water clarity Secchi readings in 2023 as part of GLID Lake Improvement Plan activities.
Info: Water clarity is measured using a Secchi disk, a plate-sized disk with black and white sections that is lowered into the water until it can no longer be seen. The deeper the Secchi disk is lowered and still is visible, the clearer the water. As a general rule, the maximum depth to which plants grow is twice the midsummer Secchi depth.
Green Lake has been monitored for secchi from 1988‐2022, Click here for Green Lake Secchi History. More planned for 2022-2024
2021 Green Lake Sacchi Average was 5.26 feet 2022 water clarity average range 3.6 ft - 5.6 ft , 2023:: 5.35ft - Another year's win!
30 year average of 5.9 feet with unknown degrees of error
Green Lake has met the 1.4-meter or 4.6 ft Secchi clarity depth lake standard in about 70% of the past 30 years years measured .
Most days GOOD Clarity... others NOT!
example: Secchi set: 8 by Mel and Clint Date: 7/18/21 Time: 3:25pm Lake: Green Lake
Depth at Sampling Site: 31ft Secchi Disk Clarity Depth: 6ft 6in Physical Appearance: Clear (in middle, edges of lake have floating algae) Recreational Suitability: Good (in middle) Weather/Wind: Sunny / 0-5 mph Water Temp: 81 degrees
Most recent June 22, 2022 - Clarity at 6ft 10 inches! Per DNR: Lake Trend: Improving Lake Name Green; Lake ID 30-0136-00
Blue-Green Algae Alert: IF IN DOUBT, STAY OUT! Learn more about lake algae production and causes hotlink
Green Lake Is Nutrient Rich With Phosphorus, Nitrogen, and Potassium !
What Does That Mean? Means more weed growth!

GLID and SWCD are monitoring the Green Lake Nutrient Budget
See where the Nutrients are coming from here and in the files below.
Green Lake Stormwater Retrofit analysis
Subwatershed Retrofit analysis
Green Lake Diagnostics Study, found here.
ALERT!!! Faulty / poor maintained Septic systems is reported to cause 6% of bad 'stuff'to our lake! Learn more from Septic Secrets Slides
Locating and replacing leaky septic systems near the lake is important. Leaky septic systemscan be a significant source of phosphorus and coliform to the lake, depending upon the severity of the leak, proximity to the lake, and soil characteristics between the leaky septic system and the lake.
On April 17th, Minnesota Lakes and Rivers Org along with University of MN Water Resources and Minnesota Health Dept provided a webinar about septic best practices and what a good and bad septic can affect. Grab a beverage and watch the video at the link below! Watch here!
AND from Upper Hay Lake Association wonderful information... SEPTIC OVERVIEW AND MAINT
See where the Nutrients are coming from here and in the files below.
Green Lake Stormwater Retrofit analysis
Subwatershed Retrofit analysis
Green Lake Diagnostics Study, found here.
ALERT!!! Faulty / poor maintained Septic systems is reported to cause 6% of bad 'stuff'to our lake! Learn more from Septic Secrets Slides
Locating and replacing leaky septic systems near the lake is important. Leaky septic systemscan be a significant source of phosphorus and coliform to the lake, depending upon the severity of the leak, proximity to the lake, and soil characteristics between the leaky septic system and the lake.
On April 17th, Minnesota Lakes and Rivers Org along with University of MN Water Resources and Minnesota Health Dept provided a webinar about septic best practices and what a good and bad septic can affect. Grab a beverage and watch the video at the link below! Watch here!
AND from Upper Hay Lake Association wonderful information... SEPTIC OVERVIEW AND MAINT

The spread of AIS follows the highways... hitching rides on boats & trailers.
2024 AIS Boat Inspections :– GLID has Inspectors at Green Lake public access starting May 18 until Sept 5
Tuesdays 3-8p Wednesdays 2-8p Thursdays 2-8p Fridays 10-7 Saturdays 10-7 Sundays 10-7
GLID Requested 44 hrs X 20 weeks of funding from Isanti Zoning.. Past boat inspection stopped an Zebra Mussel entry!
Boat Inspections raise awareness! Hopefully Prevent new Zebra Mussel invasion into Green Lake.. along with Starry Wart
SWCD's Lydia created special ISANTI Invasive Species watch handout
Help Protect Minnesota Waters: Know the Law (HOTLINK). You may not ... transport watercraft without removing the drain plug • arrive at a lake access with drain plug in place • transport aquatic plants, zebra mussels, or other prohibited invasive species such as faucet snails, ruffe, and round goby • launch a watercraft with prohibited species attached • transport water from Minnesota lakes or rivers; or release bait into water
> CD3 System boat weed-cleaning system is now installed at Spec Lake that has the dreaded Zebra Mussels! CD3's are a waterless, free, user-operated cleaning equipment that includes wet/dry vacuum, blower system, tethered hand tools and lights. Watch Why and How to use CD3 Video hotlink.
From Darrick of Isanti Zoning/AIS Mgmt: " Those that do lake hop between Spectacle and Green, should powerwash them at home and/or remember to dry their boats 5-7 days"
eNewsletter & FacebookClick HERE to signup for the eNewsletter and the Facebook page
Past Newsletters Want to make sure you’re staying up to date with GLID Facebook posts? Prioritize us in your news feed! Here’s how from Melissa, our GLID FB Ambassador Board Member. 👇🏼 1. Click on the 3 dots on any of our GLID Facebook posts. 2. Click the option circled in red below that says, “Add Green Lake Improvement District, Isanti County, MN” to favorites. You’re done! GLID posts will now show up in your newsfeed as they get posted |